Building a team. A motivating start

From the very moment Dalmary joined Alpha Contract, her impact was significant. Her first major challenge was the student residence in Seville, with 1,127 rooms.

Francisco Moreno, our project director, needed help managing the scope of the work, and Dalmary didn’t hesitate to join the team. Her dedication and energy were key to the project’s success.

Dalmary recalls:

“It was exciting to successfully complete such a large project.”

This project not only marked the beginning of her journey with us but also set the standard for her commitment and passion.

Another standout project was in Pozuelo, where we implemented wooden partitions between rooms for the first time. Dalmary led this effort, working closely with architects and clients to find innovative solutions.

“I like sitting down with the team and figuring out how we can make it happen,” says Dalmary.

Today, thanks to the joint efforts of professionals like Dalmary, Alpha Contract is a very solid and cohesive team, capable of tackling any challenge with creativity and efficiency.

From that moment on, Dalmary became an integral part of the Alpha Contract team.

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